Corrupt Moral Altar – Whiskey Sierra (2013)

Holy shit, Corrupt Moral Altar are heavy! Like, proper heavy! I love the mix of styles going on here; one minute I’m getting doomy vibes, the next it’s all about the crazy flat-out grind type of shit! Wrap all that into a modern “dark hardcore” ball (think Black Breath, Nails and all the recent shit Southern Lord has been peddling) and you’ve got one hell of a 7″. Neither side is better than the other; you’ve just got unstoppable raw power melting your face off from start to finish. I can get behind that.
Considering this bastard spins at 45 it really does last quite a while, and with no deterioration in quality or volume. The vinyl weight is as almost as heavy as the tunes, and the packaging is really high quality stuff, which is a bit refreshing as I have a sea of flimsy grind splits with xeroxed covers. It even comes with a fuckton of Dead Chemists stickers and a nifty little poster, so super awesome thanks to Mike Dead Chemists for sending me this little EP, I love it! Well impressed. Gonna be on the look out for Corrupt Moral Altar on the UK live circuit; I’m bound to come across a performance of theirs at some point, and I look forward to it greatly.