Agathocles / VRV – UK Tour Split 7″ (2012)

The VRV / AGx UK tour was one of the most entertaining live shows I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing. Catching the legendary Agathocles in an upstairs room in a pub in Leeds was the perfect atmosphere; a whole bunch of sweaty grinders moshing about comfortably on a carpet! When the two bands got together to release this 7″ after the tour had ended, I knew I had to own it, no matter how shitty it would probably turn out to be (by now you should know my disdain for badly recorded grind 7″s).
I ended up getting this off Burt at Obscene Extreme fest for literally all the spare change I had in my pocket! I was drunk and he was even more so (ha ha) and I ended up getting it for just less of £2. A fucking steal, no doubt. I resisted the temptation to buy up all the AGx stuff he had with him, but Gumpy succumbed to the cheap prices and fell down the rabbit hole and purchased his first batch of AGx splits. There’s no way back up that slippery slope now, son!!!
The split is however, as i suspected, just badly recorded live sessions from the two act’s recent UK tour. The Agathocles stuff isn’t actually that bad at all. It’s raw, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a fairly enjoyable listen, with a good mix of material. VRV on the other hand….well I turned it off after about 30 seconds. I was bone-dry sober on the listen-through and had no patience for his unique display of pummeling noisecore annihilation.
These are pretty rare, so if you were at one of the UK shows, I’d definitely say pick it up as a little memento if you happen upon a copy, but it will (rather obviously) never be able to truly show how awesome both bands were in a live environment.