Playing With Nuns – Schizo Spectrum (2013)

Playing With Nuns is an absolute pleasure – pun definitely intended. After a while a lot of experimental and harsh noise projects all tend to sound the same to me, so when a noise record comes along and stands out for me it really must be a good one! Schizo Spectrum starts like many other harsh noise albums before it; the first track is nothing to write home about, but it’s interesting enough for me to want to keep playing the CD.
I had just started my shift delivering for a pizza place when I first played this disc – and after being at my main job all day beforehand I really needed to chill out for half hour or so before working on for another 7 hours doing deliveries. Thankfully, the sun was out and the people of Merthyr refrained from ordering kebab and pizza long enough for me to zone out in my car with Playing With Nuns on the stereo.
Track 3, “Dental Museum” is where the project really gets interesting for me. A simple yet subtly complex tribal beat is taken and looped over and over again through various stages and forms of distortion, creating a mesmerizingly cerebral effect which is uplifting and thought-clearing just like Earth’s Earth2 record claims to be but actually isn’t (perhaps I’m not listening to it loud enough – but that’s another story). By the time track 3 ends, I am almost put into a state of unconsciousness that closely resembles sleep. What a way to start a 7 hour shift of non stop driving.
The rest of the CD continues in this vein but none of the songs better track 3, which is just fantastic. I got this CD through a trade with the label; Japan’s excellent Fuck The Industry, who are really putting out some amazing stuff right now. Between this and the To Die and Shitfun tapes, Fuck The Industry is off to an exciting start as a DIY label. At the time of writing I still have a few copies of this on CDr for sale or trade over at the Pointless Records distro, so get at me if you want a copy of this excellent noise release. Failing that, you can obviously go straight to Fuck The Industry, but I’d act quickly because this release is strictly limited to 50 copies only. There is also a super-rare edition rumoured to exist in DVD cases, with extra bonus tracks.