Agoraphobic Nosebleed – Agoraphobic Nosebleed (1996)

Some of my most favourite ANb stuff ever! What a mess! There are like 28 songs on this 7″, all of them micro-blasts of pure grinding hell. For those of you that have Bestial Machinery, these tracks are on disc 2, so you’ve probably heard them before. I can waffle on about like I can with any other ANb release but this really just has to be heard. It’s been out since 1996 on Bovine Records and it’s still essential today. If you’re into grind you’ve more than likely heard this once but if not; get it down you, boyo!
There is no link to this on YouTube, however they do have disc 2 of Bestial Machinery uploaded. If you can figure out when track 25 starts (hahaha) then you can listen to the demo from there. It’s worth a go?