Black Sun – Paralyser (2008)

When I Initially bought this I thought it was an LP (silly me) so expectedly I was a touch disappointed on its arrival. Never mind, because that initial disappointment faded very quickly upon first spinning Black Sun’s self-destructive noise meets sludge attack. Imagine early Swans, Iron Monkey and Burning Witch having a fight in the bottom of an mine shaft and you should have a pretty good idea of how Black Sun sound.
Paralyser isn’t as noise orientated or as electronic-based as releases that come before it, and it is not as polished as the ‘full-band’ style releases that come after it (Twilight of the Gods, much?). This EP comprises entirely of one track and its subsequent remixes. Paralyser is a test in aural punishment. The listener is subjected to a sprawling, clanking nightmare of a song that spans the entire length of side a. side b’s re-enditions seek to further dismantle and maul the already bare-bones agony to the point that it is almost primitive and unrecognisable.
Spread the word on this almost unheard of British band who are too good to be stuck at this level of exposure. Out on At War With False Noise.