Enemy Soil – Casualties of Progress (1995/2008)

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve done a post, I’ve been working on other things including behind the scenes work for this blog (writing a lot of posts in advance is a new tactic I’m going for). Today we have a post for Enemy Soil’s classic slice of drum machine grind; Casualties of Progress. The EP was put out on Relapse in April 1995 on a run of both black and grey marbled records. It has since been re-issed on CD, with a bunch of bonus tracks as per usual.
It’s a excellent romp in the grindcore template; samples open songs before catchy riffs plunge headfirst into all out blastbeat carnage not dissimilar to Agoraphobic Nosebleed, who would go on to become rather popular (in more recent years). It was a logical progression then, I think, for Enemy Soil main man Richard Johnson to end up in Agoraphobic Nosebleed.
I picked this up for dirt cheap off what looked like a private stall at Hellfest 2010. The guy only had a bunch of records for sale, and this was one of them; a steal at two Euros. It averages about a fiver on Discogs now so go for me bargain hunting. Ha ha